Sri Vaishnavi Clinic
Dermatology Doctor Profile

Dr.Murali Narasimhan MD(DVL),DNB(DV)
Best Dermatology Doctor, In Chennai
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Qualifications: MD(DVL),DNB(DV)
Experience: 13years As A Consultant In Dermatology, Venereology, Leprosy And Dermatosurgery
Honours & Awards
First batch of post graduates to qualify in the combined dermatology venereology and leprology from then TN.Dr.MGR Medical University was awarded the fulford derma foundation post graduate scholarship in dermatology for the year 2004.
Kamalam glaxo award for the best paper in dermatomycology at the 5th siham national conference at P.G.I.M.E.R.Chandigarhin2004.
First prize in the dermatology quiz conducted at the south zone iadvl conference at jipmer Pondicherry in 2004. 17 Publications In Indexed Journals Post Graduate Guide For 4 YEARS
Current Position
Professor Andhead ,Department Of Dermatology Srm Medical College And Research Centre, Potheri.